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BerichtGeplaatst: 16-07-2018 09:35:18    Onderwerp: could be any kind of professionals Reageren met citaat
LAGOS Cheap Men's Air Max 97 KPU TPU White Black Grey , April 25 (Xinhua) -- The Nigeria Rugby Football Federation (NRFF) has expressed optimism that the country would qualify for the All African Games.

Tunji Fasimoye, the federation's technical director, who made this known in Lagos, the nation's economic hub, said the country had what it takes to qualify Cheap Men's Air Max 97 KPU TPU Dark Blue White , stressing that the players would participate in a trial in Togo on June 6-7.

The Games are scheduled for Congo Brazzaville from Sept. 4-19.

The official urged players on the need to shun performance enhancing drugs.

""They need not to use drugs to influence themselves in playing the game, it is good for us to tell them not to use it because some of them do not even know what it takes,"" he added.

""Some do not take it intentionally, they do not take it consciously, and they just take it because they feel it will help them in body building Cheap Men's Air Max 97 Gold Yellow Black ,"" he said.

Fasimoye told reporters that the NRFF planned to start a system where players would have access to a doctor on the type drugs to be used.

He said there was need for players to work on their personal training schedule because of Nigeria's ranking in the world.

Nigeria is presently ranked 73 in the world and nine in Africa.


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If we want to wear lose jeans or trousers with ankle boots Cheap Men's Air Max 97 OG GS All White , then it is okay as long as the end of the boots cross the ankle component. If it didn’t, then we will appear like a geek. Are you thinking about wearing the shoes with brief dress? Well, it can be a good idea, but you will find so standard guidelines on it. If we have dark legs, then go with dark-toned boots Cheap Men's Air Max 97 All White , but if we have fair legs, then nude boots will look so awesome. Ankle boots will look so hot if we pair it using the right clothes, but feel free to pair the shoes according to our creation because our style is in our own hand

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WINNIPEG, June 15 (Xinhua) -- Three Chinese referees showed in the match between France and Colombia at the 2015 Canada Women's World Cup on Saturday with first referee Qin Liang considering it as another showpiece of Chinese women's football under the limelight.

Qin, the first women's referee of Chinese men's domestic league Cheap Men's Air Max 97 OG GS Silver White Red , said she was proud to be the first referee of the World Cup on her maiden appearance at the biggest women's sport event in the world.

""I was very excited when FIFA announced the referees appointment on Thursday, and I was calm too. The first thing I knew I should do is go to the gym,"" Qin said through telephone on Sunday.

Cui Yongmei and Fang Yan, the two assistant referees from China, did the same things after they arrived at Moncton on Friday.

""Body-building is so important for a football referee that we have to go to the gym everyday since the start of the tournament Cheap Men's Air Max 97 OG GS Army Green Black ,"" Qin said.

Born to a family with love of basketball and Chinese martial arts, Qin said she is one of the few Chinese female footballers who like to stay in the gym, and she thinks that is the reason why there are only four Chinese international female referees registered in FIFA.

""In China, few females like to go the gym or do body-building. So most of the Chinese female referees are retired players. But look at the referees here at the World Cup, they[list=] could be any kind of professionals [/list]Cheap Men's Air Max 97 OG GS All Black ,"" she added.

Qin began to learn football in her freshman year. She became a national football referee when she graduated in 2001 and received the certification from FIFA in 2010.

""It took almost 10 years for me to become an international referee. I think it's too long,"" Qin said. ""For Chinese girls, football might be the last thing to learn at school. So I think the Chinese Football Association could do more to help them to be professional referees.""

Qin said she had pressure at the match between France and Colombia as Colombia produced one of the biggest upsets in the World Cup history by beating France 2-0.

""It's common to make mistakes for football referees, especially at the World Cup level, but you have to listen to yourself Cheap Men's Air Max 97 All Black ,"" Qin said. ""You've got to believe yourself and your team, and be ready to be questioned. Sometimes you might need to listen to the assistant referees. But whenever you make the decision, you ca.
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