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BerichtGeplaatst: 15-06-2018 02:54:51    Onderwerp: Ezequiel Lavezzi Reageren met citaat
There are three kinds of techniques when it comes to reading of the Holy Quran. The three kinds are termed as Telavat Lucas Biglia Argentina Jersey , Qurae and Tarteel. Telavat involves normal reading of the Quran. Qurae on the other hand involves complete devotion of the mind during the reading followed by an attempt to understand the meaning of the words. Tarteel is thorough reading of the Book that involves reading of each and every word followed by pondering upon each word for longer periods of time in order to understand its true relevance and context to your life and the past happenings during which the words were descended upon mankind.
The Holy Quran states:
And Tarteel it with a Tarteel."
The Quran does not require to be read in a certain order or even in an artistic manner involving melody. Anyone has the right to read the Holy Quran in their own manner and voice. There are people who expect melody during the recitation however that is not a necessity for Muslims only something adopted in order to offer a more soothing effect to the ears. Reading the Holy Quran is quite different from learning the Book. Telavat is reading of the Arabic words without stopping to understand the true meaning of the words which does not lead to changes of opinion or broadening of the readers thinking. In order for people to truly understand the Qurans message they need to learn the Holy Quran. They require someone to teach them each and every word in context of the historical events that led to the revelation along with the implication of the words in their daily life tasks.
Quran is a full code about leading your life. It teaches people the right way to adopt in each and every moment of their lives. A good Quran teacher ensures that his student just doesnt learn how to read the Holy Book but learns the true meanings behind the words. The reader should be able to relate the words with their lives and problems as Quran is undoubtedly the true solution to all of our problems of both worlds. Quran and the Holy Prophet PBUH have time again stressed upon the learning of the Quran not just the recitation of the words. Allah requires His beings to understand His orders and lead their lives in accordance of His orders. That is only possible when people begin to understand the meaning by reading the translation and explanation. Every mentally competent person has the ability to understand and interpret the Holy Quran on their own. For children however sometimes it becomes quite a necessity to offer help when it comes to learning of the words or even reading of the Ayaat.
Non-Arabic readers require help from a teacher in order for them to understand each and every word in its true sense. Online academies exist for this very reason. Dafiyah is a prestigious online organization offering high standard services of teaching the Holy Quran to children all across the globe. http:www.dafiyah
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BerichtGeplaatst: 28-02-2019 09:42:59    Onderwerp: Reageren met citaat
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BerichtGeplaatst: 10-04-2019 10:31:59    Onderwerp: Reageren met citaat
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BerichtGeplaatst: 25-04-2019 21:52:02    Onderwerp: Reageren met citaat
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BerichtGeplaatst: 25-04-2019 21:53:33    Onderwerp: Reageren met citaat
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BerichtGeplaatst: 25-04-2019 21:55:14    Onderwerp: Reageren met citaat
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BerichtGeplaatst: 25-04-2019 21:56:33    Onderwerp: Reageren met citaat
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BerichtGeplaatst: 25-04-2019 21:58:40    Onderwerp: Reageren met citaat
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BerichtGeplaatst: 25-04-2019 22:00:05    Onderwerp: Reageren met citaat
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BerichtGeplaatst: 25-04-2019 22:01:13    Onderwerp: Reageren met citaat
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BerichtGeplaatst: 25-04-2019 22:02:37    Onderwerp: Reageren met citaat
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BerichtGeplaatst: 25-04-2019 22:04:12    Onderwerp: Reageren met citaat
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BerichtGeplaatst: 25-04-2019 22:08:28    Onderwerp: Reageren met citaat
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BerichtGeplaatst: 25-04-2019 22:09:56    Onderwerp: Reageren met citaat
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BerichtGeplaatst: 25-04-2019 22:11:08    Onderwerp: Reageren met citaat
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