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TORONTO puma creepers cuir noir , Jan. 22 (Xinhua) -- In Friday night's 101-81 victory over Miami Heat, Toronto Raptors' DeMar DeRozan scored a game-high 33 points while wearing a pair of sneakers with Chinese characters on the heel.
The two Chinese characters for the word "sacrifice" is engraved in black ink on the back of the right heel of DeRozan's custom Kobe 11 Nike sneakers. DeRozan is the only NBA player in history to dawn shoes with Chinese calligraphy in an NBA game.
"People pointed out (being the first) puma court star noir , definitely a cool thing," said DeRozan following the game in an exclusive one-on-one interview with Xinhua. "That's the cool thing about expressing yourself with shoes puma clyde femme blanche pas cher , something that is a part of you."
This pair of shoes were obtained from Nike in London last week when Raptors represented the league as part of NBA Global 2016. DeRozan did not debut the shoes until Jan. 20 against Celtics and has now worn the shoes twice.
When asked about the meaning of the word "sacrifice", the seven-year veteran believes that it is reflective of him as a person and his NBA journey so far.
"The ability to express the pain puma suede classic femme pas cher , sacrifice and hard work. Sacrifice is something you have to do if you want to be a great player," said DeRozan. "That's the significance of the Kobe 11."
Since joining the league in 2009 puma suede classic pas cher , DeRozan has sacrificed hours of time to add elements to his game.
After becoming an All-Star for the first time in 2013, DeRozan is poised to join teammate Kyle Lowry this season with his 23.3 per game puma suede heart satin rose pas cher , good for tenth best in the league.
HO CHI MINH CITY, Nov. 5 (Xinhua) -- Heavy rain and water discharge of hydroelectric plants over the past few days have inundated many areas in Vietnam's central and central highlands regions, killing nine people and leaving two others missing, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development said Saturday.
In the central province of Phu Yen, the recent flooding has killed seven people and left one person missing, and caused property losses of some 247.5 billion Vietnamese dong (11.1 million U.S. dollars).
In the central province of Binh Dinh, one person died, dozens of houses were destroyed or damaged and 1,450 others were submerged. In the central province of Khanh Hoa, a toddler has gone missing after falling into a river in Nha Trang city.
In the central highlands province of Dak Lak, one fisherman died after being swept away by the flood, and hundreds of hectares of rice and other crops were destroyed.
Natural disasters killed or left 172 people missing, injured 324 others, and caused property losses of nearly 13,100 billion Vietnamese dong (587.4 million U.S. dollars) in the first 10 months of this year, said Vietnam's General Statistics Office. Enditem
BEIJING, Feb. 28 (Xinhua) -- China welcomes foreign companies investing in the country and will always respect and protect their rights and interests, but their operation should be in compliance with laws and regulations, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said Tuesday.
Spokesman Geng Shuang made the comment in response to a question regarding whether China would take punitive measures against the Lotte Group of the Republic of Korea (ROK).
Geng said the success of a foreign corporation in China depended on the decisions of the Chinese market and consumers.
He reiterated China's firm resolve in opposing the deployment of the THAAD missile system in the ROK, urging relevant parties to face China's interests and concerns, stop the deployment process and refrain from going too far down the wrong path.
China has recently made two solemn representations to the ROK regarding the issue, he added.
He said relevant parties should be very clear about the Chinese people's opposition to the deployment of the THAAD system, and have taken notice of the voice of the Chinese people.
Lotte Group, ROK's fifth-largest conglomerate, decided Monday to offer its golf course to be used as a site for Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD).
A ROK Defense Ministry official told Xinhua that the contract to exchange military land for the Lotte-owned golf course was formally signed earlier Tuesday.
PARIS, Nov. 16 (Xinhua) -- Former economy minister Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday announced he will be a candidate for the next year's presidential election.
"I'm ready. I am a candidate for the presidency of the Republic because I believe that we can succeed, that France can succeed," Macron said.
"This decision is the fruit of an intimate and deep conviction," he added.
Denouncing a blocked political system and "obsolete rules," the former investment banker called on "all women and men of good will, those who believe in freedom and progress" to act in a bid to "to bring France into the 21st century, to make the country recovering."
"In a few months on the occasion of the presidential election, an opportunity is offered to us. The responsibility of the president of the Republic is immense and I am aware of it," he told reporters.
Macron, 38, said he was joining the race to the Elysee Palace as an independent candidate and campaigning for "hope" and "fight for all of France."
The pro-business contender joined the Socialist government in August 2014 to replace ousted economy minister Arnaud Montebourg. Two years later, he quit his post to focus on his political career.
He has never held an elected post. He disclosed his political ambition after creating his own political movement "En Marche" (On the Move) in April, vowing to lead the movement "to 2017 and to victory."
A recent Elabe survey showed that Macron would garner 27 percent of votes in the first round of election, while Hollande who is projected to collect 12 percent of the vote.
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